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Flowers of Zihuatanejo

Flowers by Colour

Flower Dicot

Abutilon macvaughii

Abutilon macvaughii

Flower Dicot

Aldama dentata

Aldama dentata

Flower Dicot

Anglestem Indian Mallow

Abutilon trisulcatum

Flower Dicot

Arizona Carlowrightia

Carlowrightia arizonica

Flower Dicot

Balsam Apple

Genus Echinopepon

Dicot Flower

Beach Bean

Canavalia rosea

Flower Dicot

Bidens riparia

Bidens riparia

Dicot Flower

Blue Pea

Clitoria ternatea

Flower Dicot

Brittle False Pimpernel

Torenia crustacea

Flower Dicot


Genus Byttneria

Flower Dicot

Capraria frutescens

Capraria frutescens

Dicot Flower

Centrosema plumieri

Centrosema plumieri

Flower Dicot

Adenocalymma inundatum

Adenocalymma inundatum

Flower Dicot

Alkali Heliotrope

Heliotropium curassavicum

Flower Dicot

Antigonon flavescens

Antigonon flavescens

Flower Dicot

Asian Spiderflower

Cleome viscosa

Flower Dicot

Barleria oenotheroides

Barleria oenotheroides

Flower Dicot

Beach Morning Glory

Ipomoea pes-caprae

Flower Dicot

Big Caltrop

Kallstroemia maxima

Dicot Flower


Genus Bougainvillea

Flower Dicot

Browne's Blechum

Ruellia blechum

Flower Dicot Tree

Calabur Tree

Muntingia calabura

Flower Dicot

Cat's Claw

Martynia annua

Flower Dicot


Genus Coccoloba

Flower Dicot

African Tulip Tree

Spathodea campanulata

Flower Dicot


Genus Amaranthus

Flower Dicot

Antiqua Sage

Russelia sarmentosa

Dicot Flower


Genus Coursetia

Flower Dicot

Be Still Tree

Rauvolfia tetraphylla

Dicot Flower

Bellyache Bush

Jatropha gossypiifolia

Flower Dicot

Bitter Melon

Momordica charantia

Flower Dicot

Brazilian Morning-Glory

Ipomoea setosa

Dicot Flower

Bushy Lippia

Lippia alba

Dicot Flower


Calopogonium mucunoides

Flower Dicot


Priva lappulacea

Dicot Flower Tree

Combretum farinosum

Combretum farinosum

Flower Dicot

Aldama apiculata

Aldama apiculata

Dicot Flower

American Sicklepod

Senna obtusifolia

Flower Dicot

Aristolochia tentaculata

Aristolochia tentaculata

Flower Dicot


Genus Bakeridesia

Flower Dicot

Be-still Tree *

Cascabela thevetia

Flower Dicot

Bengal Trumpet

Thunbergia grandiflora

Dicot Flower Tree


Pithecellobium lanceolatum

Flower Dicot

Brazilian Red-Cloak

Megaskepasma erythrochlamys

Flower Dicot Tree

Buttercup Tree

Cochlospermum vitifolium

Dicot Flower

Candelabra Bush

Senna alata

Flower Dicot

Cayaponia attenuata

Cayaponia attenuata

Dicot Flower Tree

Combretum fruticosum

Combretum fruticosum

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