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Trees of Zihuatanejo

Dicot Flower Tree


Pithecellobium lanceolatum

Flower Dicot Tree

Calabur Tree

Muntingia calabura

Fruit Tree Monocot

Coconut Palm

Cocos nucifera

Dicot Fruit Tree

Crateva tapia

Crateva tapia

Dicot Tree Fruit


Genus Hippomane

Dicot Tree

Lanceleaf Leadtree

Leucaena lanceolata

Palm Tree Monocot

Mexican Palmetto

Sabal mexicana

Fruit Dicot Tree


Carica papaya

Dicot Flower Tree

Pom Pom Orchid Tree

Bauhinia divaricata

Dicot Tree Fruit

Ruehssia lanata

Ruehssia lanata

Dicot Flower Tree


Tamarindus indica

Dicot Flower Tree

White Leadtree

Leucaena leucocephala

Fruit Dicot Tree

Buttercup Tree

Cochlospermum vitifolium

Dicot Tree Fruit

Cascabela ovata

Cascabela ovata

Dicot Flower Tree

Combretum farinosum

Combretum farinosum

Dicot Flower Tree


Delonix regia

Fruit Dicot Tree

Honduras Mahogany

Swietenia humilis

Flower Dicot Tree


Bixa orellana

Flower Dicot Tree

Moringa Tree oleifera

Moringa oleifera

Dicot Flower Tree


Carica papaya

Dicot Tree

Red Mangrove

Rhizophora mangle

Dicot Tree Fruit

Sea Almond

Terminalia catappa

Dicot Flower Tree

Thorn Trees

Genus Vachellia

Dicot Tree Fruit

Wild Fig

Ficus insipida

Flower Dicot Tree

Buttercup Tree

Cochlospermum vitifolium

Dicot Tree


Genus Ceiba

Dicot Flower Tree

Combretum fruticosum

Combretum fruticosum

Dicot Tree

Green Buttonwood

Conocarpus erectus

Dicot Fruit Tree

Jacaratia mexicana

Jacaratia mexicana

Dicot Tree

Mexican Kidneywod

Eysenhardtia polystachya

Fruit Dicot Tree


Azadirachta indica

Fruit Tree Monocot


Musa × paradisiaca

Fruit Dicot Tree

Red Mombin

Spondias purpurea

Dicot Tree

Sea Almond

Terminalia catappa

Dicot Flower Tree

Tree Calliandra

Calliandra houstoniana

Dicot Tree Fruit

Winged Calabash

Crescentia alata

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