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Flowers of Zihuatanejo

Japanese Morning Glory

Ipomoea nil

Flowers by Colour

Ipomoea nil is a species pf Ipomoea morning glory known by the common name Japanese morning glory (although it is not native to Japan). It is native to the tropical Americas, and has been introduced widely across the world. Native to Central America and Mexico, the plant is a climber with twining stems up to 5 m long and is dense to scattered with long hairy trichomes. The finely hairy, emerald green leaves are ovate to almost circular, 5 to 14 cm long. The base is heart-shaped, the edge is entire or lobed three to five times, the leaf lobes are pointed or tapering. The funnel-shaped, colorful flowers (blue to reddish-purple, with whitish tube) are quite showy and are individually up to five in often dense cymose groups, in which fully developed flowers and developing buds stand together.

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