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Crustaceans of Zihuatanejo


Atyid Shrimp

Potimirim glabra

Animals Kingdom (Animalia)

  • Arthropods (Phylum Arthropoda)

  • Crustaceans (Subphylum Crustacea)

  • Typical Crustaceans (Superclass Multicrustacea)

  • Malacostracans (Class Malacostraca)

  • Decapods, Isopods, and Allies (Subclass Eumalacostraca)

  • Decapods and Krill (Superorder Eucarida)

  • Decapods (Order Decapoda)

  • Crabs, Lobsters, Shrimps, and Allies (Suborder Pleocyemata)

Potimirim potimirim is a freshwater shrimp. All Atyid shrimp are filter feeders. They scrape the surface of leaves, tree trunks in decomposition, and stones looking for fungi, bacteria and fine organic matter to eat. They are found in most inland freshwater areas including lakes, rivers, swamps, irrigation ditches, canals and ponds.

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