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Crustaceans of Zihuatanejo


Gulf Ghost Crab

Ocypode occidentalis

Animals Kingdom (Animalia)

  • Arthropods (Phylum Arthropoda)

  • Crustaceans (Subphylum Crustacea)

  • Typical Crustaceans (Superclass Multicrustacea)

  • Malacostracans (Class Malacostraca)

  • Decapods, Isopods, and Allies (Subclass Eumalacostraca)

  • Decapods and Krill (Superorder Eucarida)

  • Decapods (Order Decapoda)

  • Crabs, Lobsters, Shrimps, and Allies (Suborder Pleocyemata)

Gulf Ghost Crabs (Hoplocypode occidentalis) are a species of ghost crabs native to the Pacific coast of the Americas, from California to Panama. Gulf ghost crabs are medium-sized, reaching a maximum overall body diameter of 15 cm. Ghost crabs are omnivorous, feeding on insects, clams, other crabs and the turtle eggs. They will also scavenge for vegetation and detritus. Gulf ghost crabs can easily be distinguished from painted ghost crabs by the absence of "horns" on their eyes.

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