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More than 1700 species of the wild flora and fauna of Zihuatanejo.
All photographs were taken in Zihuatanejo, Mexico, and the surrounding area.
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Wasps of Zihuatanejo
Aztec Honey Wasp
Brachygastra azteca
Brachygastra azteca is a species of honey wasp in the family Vespidae. Adult wasps kill prey to feed their young, they don’t actually eat this prey themselves. Instead they feed on sugary substances such as nectar, but this nectar is usually not converted into honey and it isn’t stored. The Brachygastra wasps being the exception, producing small amounts of honey. These wasps build large, hanging nests made of a paper-like substance created from chewed plant fibers mixed with their saliva. The nests are usually located in trees or shrubs.
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