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More than 1700 species of the wild flora and fauna of Zihuatanejo.
All photographs were taken in Zihuatanejo, Mexico, and the surrounding area.
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Wasps of Zihuatanejo
Unstable Paper Wasp
Polistes instabilis
The wasps are non-aggressive unless provoked and typically exhibit a calmer demeanor compared to other more aggressive wasp species. They build their nests in sheltered areas, such as under eaves, tree branches, or shrubs, often in areas with plenty of food resources, like nectar from flowers and insects. Polistes instabilis constructs paper nests made from chewed wood fibers mixed with saliva. These nests are usually exposed, hanging from structures like branches, fences, or building eaves. The nests are made of hexagonal cells, and the colony grows in size as the season progresses, with more workers being produced to support the queen.
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